Friday, 7 February 2014

Steps to overcome feeling blue

So, I have been feeling a little overwhelmed lately... feels like I am going nowhere slowly... At first my reaction was to nervous and scared for my future, but then I remembered the theme song from the South African tv show Going Nowhere Slowly... It said "going nowhere slowly and that's alright". Then it dawned on me, that it is alright to be exactly where I am in this moment. Perhaps it seems as if I am not making an clear strides in life, I mean it sure felt that way to me. But perhaps this is exactly where I need to be right now in my life. Do you ever feel like your life is going no where at a very fast rate, as if time is running out and you're no where close to succeeding whatever it is that you want to achieve?

I's a hard feeling to cope with and I woke up feeling exactly that way. So I went on to Google to find some explanation and some help to pull me out of this slum that I felt myself falling into. I thought I was on to something too. I read some interesting articles on some fun websites but I still felt so low. Nothing helped, I was getting more drained as the hours passed by. I even began to feel physically ill as well. But then I remembered that happiness is a choice. Vibrating on a level of happiness brings forth more happiness and more happy experience. It also gives off a boom of energy. So I made the choice to do something about my miserable state.

First I went outside, because being outside helps to link in our energy with the Earth's abundant energy. It is revitalizing and fresh. I spent a few moments out there and I felt lighter, though still a bit down. So I decided to meditate. Meditation is the best way to lift the spirit up. Though many of us find it hard to do. I found it extremely difficult because clearing out my mind and being silent and still in my head seemed impossible. But then I came across Raja Yoga, which is wonderful for beginners like us. Its peaceful, but not completely silent. There is some imagining talking to yourself. There are lots of moments of peaceful silence, which is done in such a way that you don't feel the need to occupy the same with unnecessary chatter. There are many sites out there that teach Raja Yoga, or you can contact the Brahma Kumaris near you. There after you can learn to meditate like a pro.

I understand that some people think of meditation as a waste of time. Though I have personally experienced many benefits from meditating. All you need is ten minutes to see some results. That small amount of shanthi (peace) goes a long. The connection of the body and soul is like being on a spiritual high. It helps by also allowing us to get to know our true higher selves. In this world of noise and distractions, a small amount of peace can help you feel lighter and more stable. 

Other forms of meditation can be done. Some spiritual teachers suggest that we focus on our breathing and then picture ourselves in the most beautiful place that we wish to be in. Others suggest chanting of a holy word or the name of God. But an easy way is to get lost in music. Pick out some songs that you love. Many people say that it should be calm and peaceful music, but I think that if its something that you love to listen to then that would be the best time of music. Over time, the type of songs chosen will begin to change automatically, so there is no need to force a change onto yourself. So once you have you songs, just hit play and get lost in the music. 

The idea behind meditation is to still the voices in your mind and allow yourself to become one with your soul and with the Divine. So the road you take doesn't matter, as long as you get there.

So going back to my issue of feeling lost and horrible... The mediation helped me and now I am feeling brand new again. But if you're down and out and the stuff you read above still doesn't help, then go do some exercise. Endorphins are your own natural pick me up. So get those happy juices flowing by exercising or dancing, maybe eat some chocolate. 

Just remember that feeling low doesn't help us achieve the things that we want in life, and it doesn't help us to be present in life. Happiness is a choice, so get out of that sad state now, before it brings you further down. Like attracts like, so positive attracts positive. Where ever you are in life, even if it seems horrible, remember that you are exactly where you are meant to be and there is a reason that you where you are. Maybe it's because of past choices and thinking patterns, or maybe it's an avoidable situation. Whatever the case, you can choose to overcome it and be happy.

Good luck :)

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

The EGO: how the ego learns

Last time, I discussed, very briefly, about us having and needing an ego and what it is. So today I decided that I am going to tell you about how an ego learns.

Nelson Mandela said that we learn how to hate and therefore we can be taught how to love. Those were some powerful words because the truth in them is filled with great and uplifting power. When we are born, we only know love. Every child is born loving their mother. Over time we learn to love others, then we learn to walk and speak and then we learn to hate. 

It is the ego that learns to hate. The best place to see it, is actually through religious tolerance. The ego learns that it is part of a religious group and it becomes completely identified with it, to the point that it believes that those that follow a different religious path are wrong. They may even feel superior because they may believe that their religion is the best. But really is there any such thing? The point of religion is to teach the love of God and for God, and to teach lessons that help us to follow our life purpose. Every religion teaches this. Then where does the separation come? It comes from the collective ego. Religious groups often have a collective mentality which becomes the collective ego which then filters down to the individual ego. Therefore, the ego learnt this attitude to dislike other religions because "I" am part of a superior religious group. There is nothing wrong in believing in the teachings of a religion, don't misunderstand me, I am not undermining the concept of belonging to a religious organization, nor am I stating that every person that belongs to a religion is intolerant of other religions. I only chose to use religion as an example of how the ego learns to identify itself with a concept and perspective. This same lesson can be used with the example of race, culture and even language. The same way, the ego can also learn love and acceptance. It all depends on the individual, for we are all unique.

Our egos are constantly learning new perspective, beliefs and concepts. We are always developing new opinions and ideas based on all the things we have learnt in life.  So here's the thing... If you learnt things that are bringing you unhappiness, worries and problems, then its time to unlearn them by leaning new things. Adapt your conscious mind to new things so that you can start building up the energy you need to attract a new lifestyle that is specific to what you want. Redefine the things you identify yourself to be. Even if its something as small as letting go of a perspective that has been holding you back in life. Letting  go of a fear, or even becoming more rational, because trust me there are some irrational egos out there in this world.

The ego learns everything that it knows from the time we are born, through experiences, surrounding and teachings. The most dangerous of all the things it learns can sometime come from the media. The idea of what is pretty and what is required to make someone happy, or the need to become popular and known. Its always about wanting more in life, what we have is only good enough up to a certain point, there after we want more, therefore we are almost never truly happy and content in life. The ego allows us to live in the material world and therefore its desires are also materialistic. It's not a bad thing. But to be happy and at peace, we need to keep our spiritual desires in mind as well. Some people believe that in order to become spiritually awaken, we must let go of material desires. But I think that we need both. It's not always possible for us to let go material things, at this point in time, we need money, food and shelter to survive. So developing a balance between getting what you need spiritually and materially is probably the best way to go. Its not easy at all, but it can be done. The balance is required, especially if you are a Lightworker.

Maybe, relax and allow yourself to feel the energy of the universe giving you everything that you and your ego requires.