Tuesday, 4 March 2014

“... You think without acting...”

Ola Blessed friends of light

Once again I want to state that this blog post is dedicated to Lava, who is the amazing friend that supplied me with a quote that gave my mind something to chew on.

In case you haven’t read the previous post, here’s the quote that inspired this post: “Most of the problems in your life are due to two reasons: you act without thinking or you think without acting”. (I really must find out who said this.)

“... You think without acting...”

Like I mentioned yesterday, today I will be discussing the second part of this quote... Thinking without acting.
Okay, so this actually is the worse of the two, which some may find hard to believe. But any person that has an understanding of the power of thought will know why it is worse to think without taking action.
When we think, we supply our body with a vibration, this vibration then acts like a lighthouse... So I am going to call this process The Lighthouse Effect. Now the reason I say lighthouse is because, your thought vibration shines out and signals out to the universe to bring you “things” that are operating in the same vibration.

We all know that the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like and that we need to vibrate in synchronization with the “things” that we want. Basically all our thoughts enable the universe to bring to us anything that promotes us to repeat these thoughts, because the universe truly believes that the things we think about are the things we want. So you think orange and your lighthouse vibrates with the orange energy needed and the universe picks up all the orange things that you want. But these orange things can’t find you until you turn the lighthouse on and show the universe where to find you...

So what does this have to do with thinking without acting?

When we think we supply the necessary vibration but when we act we show intention, which makes it easier for the universe to help us. We all know that “God helps those that help themselves”. It’s the same thing really. By intending to help yourself, you allow God to help you. I always think of the joke about the man that wanted to win the lottery but never bought a ticket... Buying the ticket was the action to prove the intension that allows the universe to help.

So you can think and think and think all you want, but unless you actually do something about it, you will be metaphorically spinning around in the same spot. Many people say that The Secret doesn’t work, and this is the reason it doesn’t work for them. They don’t take action. Thinking about what you want is only half the distance, acting to get what you want is the other half. And don’t stress and worry that your action is not the right action, because that really doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you do something.

But there is another issue with thinking without acting. Sometimes we think so much about something that we allow it to infect our lives.

When we stress and worry, or we become anxious, or we think about something that hurt us in the past, we start to hurt ourselves. I know I used to think about how I should have reacted in a situation so much that it would become all that I thought about. I would replay situations and outcomes in my head, like a movie director trying to get the best shot. But life is not a movie and there are no retakes. Sometimes we just have to accept the way things pan out, because thinking about what ifs and should haves is detrimental to our well being.

We don’t even realise the amount of distress our negative, unhappy thoughts puts our bodies through. Every thought creates an energy that is held in every cell of the body. Negative thoughts then manifest themselves through our bodies. We end up with health problems, which are sometimes fatal. That’s why it’s important to distress and let go of the past and move forward. Positive thoughts can do wonders for the body. When we think happy, loving and peaceful thoughts, the cells in our bodies hold on to that energy and then it manifests good health and healthy looking skin and hair. It is literally becoming beautiful from the outside in.

So now we know why it is important to not think without acting and why it is important to not hold on to negative thoughts.

I hope that reading this post has been beneficial to you because it has been beneficial for me to write it.

Wishing you peace, love and blessings of happiness.

Okay bye J

Monday, 3 March 2014

"Act without thinking"

Hi people of the light... This post is dedicated to my good friend Yuveshan Pillay. Yuvi (or Lava, as I call him) was the person that sent me the quote: “Most of the problems in your life are due to two reasons: you act without thinking or you think without acting”. Unfortunately I don’t know who to credit for this quote but it is brilliant nonetheless. So let’s break it down to its two points and discuss how these two important points have affected your life and how to overcome them in two posts.
Today’s post will deal with the first half of this brilliant quote. Tomorrow I will talk about “thinking without acting”.

  “You act without thinking...”

When a situation occurs many people jump straight into action. This can be very beneficial in case of emergencies. For example: You’re busy eating you dinner when suddenly your companion starts choking on a very large piece of grilled broccoli. It would be wise to jump up and dislodge the broccoli from the other person’s air-passage, instead of thinking about how you can’t understand why a person would purposefully want to eat broccoli.

There are some things in this world that you don’t have to think about, you just have to do. Like studying for a test or tying your shoe laces.

However, acting without thinking can lead you straight into the lion’s den. Hence I advise that some discretion must be used when determining when to act without thinking. For example: Before you decide to dump your boyfriend because he too busy to answer the phone. Dumping him could feel like best decision, but if you dump him and then find out two weeks later that his grandmother passed way the day you broke up with him, you’re going to feel horrible (to say the least). Not to mention that he will also feel horrible because you let him down when he needed your support. It’s not going to be easy to come back from that.

See these examples can go on and on and on... People do it so often these days that we tend to disregard our common sense and leap without knowing where will land. It usually ends up in a lot of unnecessary pain (emotional, mental and even physical) for you and other people. It becomes easy then to notice your actions before you make them. You start to think before you act because you value the end result more than the momentary satisfaction you get from jumping into a fool hardy action.

But sometimes it might be hard to notice yourself acting without thinking. And the best example I have for this is when people participate in gossip. Yes, you heard me! Gossip is acting without thinking. Sometimes we say things about other people with no regard for how it can change around and then come and bite you in the rear end. Sometimes people say things with so much innocence that they don’t even understand where the problem came from. But a problem is what they have. And as bad as it is to talk about other people to other people, it’s worse to add your opinion to the story as if it is a fact. The opinion tends to carry more weight than the situation, which can make things very nasty. For example: If you see Janet from accounting talking to Steve from HR, don’t go and tell John from marketing that Janet and Steve are going out, because it might turn out that Janet is actually engaged to John’s brother, thus ending their happy relationship and causing Janet to “accidentally” trip you into a pool of acid. Jokes... Janet might not do anything back to you, which might make your conscience kill you from guilt.

The bottom line in all of this is that acting without thinking comes from assumptions that we make. The problem with assumptions is that they are lies pretending to the truth. They are not facts, they are guesses fueled by experiences and beliefs that are unique to each individual.
Every person grows up learning things from all around them. We learn from our parents, our religion, communities, school, friends, family and our experiences. Which is why some people assume the best, some assume the worst, but both are lies until they proven with facts. Besides just because you have accepted that if your boyfriend doesn’t answer his phone then he’s cheating on you, does not make that true. A good rule to go by is to never assume anything, and even when it may seem as if you have all the facts, never assume that you have all the facts. I’m not suggesting that we become skeptical of everyone and every action, just that we don’t allow lies to rule our lives. As the saying goes “the truth will set you free”. Have the courage to ask questions and seek out the truth and you will stop acting without thinking.

I must warn you though; living life without making assumptions is incredibly difficult. It is only when you start trying to stop assuming, do you realize just how much we rely on assumptions. But once you start, you might experience a shift in your life. It’s almost as if parts of your life break down, like big buildings that block out the light, and then light starts to pour into you world. Unnecessary problems will begin to disappear and then a space is created inside you, which can be used just for you. In this space you will begin to focus and manifest love and peace into your life. And through the law of attraction you will also attract peace and love into your life, as well as the ability to attract your desires.

I wish you love and light as you journey into a world where you don’t act without thinking and you don’t rely on assumptions. May peace and love be with you.