You see, I read The Secret many a moons ago and as much as I understood what I read, I also didn't understand. I mean how does that even work or better yet how do I make it work for me? All of it was very confusing, I suppose I was only in high school when I read it the first time and it was only last year that I was gifted the DVD and I finally grasped what was being said. All I had back then was the faith that the secret could work for me, even if it didn't seem to be working at that time. I believed one day I would understand and now I think I am closer to understanding it than I ever was before.
So here goes my take on the Law of Attraction, and please comment if you have a different understanding or a better way of understanding it, because I really appreciate learning as much about it as possible.
Our brain works by sending out vibrations to each part of our bodies to indicate exactly what it needs to be done. It also sends out vibrations to the world around us. There are millions and maybe billions or trillions of vibrations happening all around us and some of these vibrations come from inanimate objects, plants, the elements and animals. But the brain works from the inside out... So at the center of the brain we understand the "why" of things. Then in the middle lay we understand the "how" of things and on the outer layer we comprehend the "what" of things.
When I first started trying to make the Law of Attraction work for me, I started with the what and then the how. I never got to the why. But now I realize that why I want something is more important than anything else. Because the why is what starts the initial vibration. So if the initial vibration starts of with thoughts of lack aka negativity, then the Law will bring to you more of the same lack and negativity. So my advise is to start by cleaning out the clutter internally before trying to bring in the things that you want. If you want abundance in life, become abundant within.
When this shift occurs within yourself you will start to feel more positive about life and then things will start to change in your external life. This change helps to promote the energy required to bring in fresh, new, positive energy. The universe will then put the how into action on behalf of you to help bring you the what that you want. So all you have to do is build up the energy and then allow the universe to take over.
Its very important to let go of the control. I especially have had the most trouble with letting go of the control. I always wanted to get what I want in the way that I want to get it. But that can be counterproductive to the universe because it has perfect complete knowledge of everything and therefore it knows how to give you what you want in the best way. So say to the universe that "I want ___________ and I give you complete freedom to deliver __________ to me in the most perfect way, thank you".
(Don't forget to appreciate what you are about to receive because the act of gratitude shows the universe that you have complete faith and respect for what you are about to receive.)
So many teachers of the Law of Attraction suggest the use of a vision board. I completely agree. But alas I have had problems with this too... I could not visualize without explaining how I wanted something done. So it is important to only keep the end in mind, not the journey, when using visualization as method of materializing your desires. Make sure that the pictures you use when making up your visual board, brings out a positive emotional response from you. You need that emotion to give you momentum in attracting the things that you want. Also, as a hint, use pictures that are big enough for you to see from a distance... Maybe A4 or A5 in size. Keep your vision board clutter free. If there are too many things to look at then you won't pay enough attention to each thing. Also you don't want to give the universe the wrong impression. If there are too many things on your board, you may be telling the universe that you are lacking too much, and you will attract more lack. And one more thing, I am a firm believer in power of Feng Shui and I use this with my vision boards. I put pictures of the things that I want to attract in the appropriate Feng Shui places, to help increase the positive energy needed to attract my desires to me. For example, I have a picture of a fake degree next to my actual degrees, because I intend on achieving this particular degree soon. I put up all the degrees (real and fake) up in the careers area of my home because putting up achievements in the careers area promotes having more achievements.
Another way to help you to become more in tune with the Law of Attraction is to write Thank You Letters. Write a letter to the universe or an Angel or to God saying thank you for receiving whatever it is that you want. You are essentially showing gratitude in advance and you are building up the energy within yourself. Personally, I always write to Archangel Michael. But you can choose whomever you want to.
Another way is to use synchronicity. Look for clues around you by investigating random coincidences. There are no accidents. Sometimes there is a deep meaning behind the most random of occurrences. Notice them and it will lead you to your desires faster. They show you the process of manifesting your hearts desires into reality.
This is all I have for today.
Take care :)
Much love and blessings of peace, love and happiness to you.