Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Food for thought

For the last few days I have been feeling rather uneasy and I couldn't figure out why. The Darrel Naidu, my good friend, told me that instead of thinking about a possible future, I should rather think about the possible me. Which got me thinking...

So many of us (including myself) spend our time thinking about exactly what it is that we want. What it is could also include a who we want. I looked up at the notes I stuck on my wall, which I made after I watched The Secret, that who can't ever make us happy, because no one must change in order for me to be happy. 

I am the sole controller of my own happiness. If I put my happiness in the hands of someone else, it will never bring about the happiness that I really want. How can it? I am my own person, with my own personality and my own set of likes and dislikes... So how can someone else make me happy in exactly the way I want to be happy?

Just some food for thought...

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