Tuesday, 1 April 2014

My own company

Dear people of the Light,

Thanks to my friend +Arlene Caissie  I realized that I have yet to tell you about a realization that occurred to me last year.

Last year, I realized that there was so much more going inside than I could ever imagine. Sometimes, I guess that we don't see just how much we jeopardize ourselves. It takes some hard looking to see the kind of world that we create for ourselves. Sometimes it's things that we consider harmless and even normal that can create the most destruction.

I am talking about the use of social media, off course. Don't get me wrong, social media has provided a wealth of information and a means to voice our opinions, to reduce the distance between ourselves and the world at large. We can stay in contact with old school friends and we can make new friends... When we look at the downside of social media connections we usually look at cases of violence that are inflicted upon those of us that make the wrong choices when trusting strangers on the internet. That is a big concern, no doubt, but there is something else, that brings to mind the story of the wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. This is dependence we have on communicating via social media.

I realized that I spent every free moment of my day chatting to people, or looking at statuses, etc, and in the process I left very little time for me to spend time with me. I wanted to be entertained by others, I wanted to spend time with others, I didn't want to spend time with myself. There I saw the lack that I was facing in my life. I didn't enjoy my own company, so then how could I expect others to enjoy my company. I was looking for external parties to make me feel valued, and wanted.

Instead of relaxing and just being I was looking for someone to have contact with. I became dependent on social media to provide that contact. Then I discovered something that I had noticed before but never paid attention to it. I am sure many of you will have made this discovery too. When I have time to chat to people, there is no one around to chat to me, but when I have no time to chat, then its like everyone wants to chat to me. I used to think this must be Murphy's Law, but now that I think of it, its something bigger than Murphy and his Law.

When I am whole and present with myself. When I take the time to be with me, and to get to know me, I become fuller and more stable. I am lighter and happier. In these moments, my lack in replaced by a feeling of abundance. I don't need anyone else to provide me with the sense of belonging, or to give me company. I am enough on my own. Don't get me wrong, we all require social interaction because no man is an island, but we also deserve to be happy in our own presence. And it is in these moments that we attract others into our lives.

I only discovered this sense of fulfillment when I deleted some of my social medias and I silenced the notifications on others. I stopped giving the external world more importance than my internal world. I became in charge of who I speak to and when. My supervisor once told me that the ringing off the phone is saying stop what you are doing because I am more important, which is why she ignores the phone when she is busy. This really stuck with me. She taught me many important things but this has to be one of the greatest lessons that she gave me, and I doubt she even realized it. Off course, there are phone calls and messages that carry important messages, but we need to be able to sift them out. We need to remember that we are more important that messages and media, we should ourselves first, then worry about the rest. Charity begins at home and you can't get any more closer to home than within yourself. Just remember, airline hosts say that in case of a drop in air pressure, put your own oxygen mask on then assist others. Same concept.

Blessings and love to all :)

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