Friday, 14 March 2014


Hi there people of the light,

You know recently I have been having trouble figuring out just what to write about. I have so many things that I want to say and no idea how to say. So I decided that perhaps I should write about something that is actually happening to me. I didn’t want to post about it because I don’t quite understand it, but here goes nothing.

I recently started noticing number patterns. When I began seeing the same number repeatedly, I started to take note. What do these numbers mean and is it just a coincidence that I see them so often?

It all started when I began to read about numerology. It’s fascinating stuff. Numbers can coordinate with names, birthdays and the actual date. Using these numbers we can predict what is going to happen to us and when. So here is how you calculate your name numerology.


On the above table we have the numbers 1 to 9 and underneath it we have the alphabet. So you would use the corresponding numbers with the letters in your name. I’m going to use my name to illustrate this.

AMRISHA= 1+4+9+9+1+8+1= 35= 3+5= 6
SARAH= 1+1+9+1+8= 20= 2+0= 2
RAMLAKHAN= 9+1+4+3+1+2+8+1+5= 34= 3+4= 7
Then: 6+2+7= 15= 1+5= 6

Calculating the birth number is a lot less complicated. Again, I am going to use my own details as an example, so:
2 July 1989= 2+7+1+9+8+9= 18= 1+8= 9

In the same way we can calculate the year number to be 7, and then if you want to find out what a particular month can bring for you then all you have to do is add the month number to the year number, if it’s a double digit you have to split into its components and add until you get a single number.
For this month, the number would be 3+7= 10= 1+0= 1.
You can even work it down to a day by adding in the day to the calculation like so: 14=1+4=5 +3+7= 15=1+5= 6, now 6 added to your personal birthday number will give you a personal prediction.

Not so complicated then?

But in my experience, numbers are a lot more than what I have above. You see, calculating them is one thing but really when you start to notice patterns in your life then you should really pay attention. Seeing the same number or sets of numbers is not a coincidence. It like if you look up at the clock and the time is 11:11 or 22:22 or even something like 20:02... Maybe when you are driving somewhere you notice these numbers in number plates, like 111 or even 66.

Sometimes an angel will whisper in your ear, maybe only your subconscious will hear it, and you will look in some direction and notice a seemingly random number. This has been happening a lot to be. All my life in fact, I always thought it was cool to see these numbers, but I never really thought about it until recently. Then I started trying to ignore the numbers, but it just wouldn’t go away. So I decided to figure this out, since I was learning a little about numerology, perhaps there was something more to it, perhaps there was a message in there for me.

Now I know I am not the only one going through this. It stems from a divine movement that is causing an awaking in individuals all around the world. I can’t see the big plan but I have faith that there is a great divine reason behind it.

So let me explain what these numbers mean. To see a number pattern will tell you of the intensity of the message. If you see 222 then it is 2 with triple the power and intensity, it means that 2 is very important in this moment. Likewise we can also break it down and it becomes 2+2+2=6. Then the power will resonate with meaning of 6. It is personal, so if you want to take it as a triple power or you want to break it down; it is entirely up to you. I usually go with my gut feeling, so I might break it down or I take it as it is.

Below is what I understand each number to mean:
Latent potential. It is also considered to be the God number, which resonates with the power of God. It also presents the future and of things coming full circle meaning that things will return to the manner from which it began. Seeing a 0 in a number pattern is especially powerful because in that moment it means that God is with you and is encouraging you to pay attention. You are powerful and it is safe for you to be powerful. Some patterns can be see as 000 or 00, 00:00 or in patterns such as 10:01 or 7000.
Wholeness and unity. This number is usually associated with an individual body, usually your own body. It talks about all things physical but it can also mean that you must take time in understanding yourself. Look at the things you desire and the things that you think about, because seeing the number 1 means that these thoughts and feelings are materializing. A good practice would be to stop and think of something that you want to happen or to have. It also gives strength to your desires, as heaven is showing you that it is with you. It also shows you that you are on the path of your divine life purpose. Usually we see 1 in patterns such as 11, 111, 11:11 or 10:01, 11:01, 11:10, 01:11 etc...
Relationships and duality. If you are thinking about things to do with relationships or you want to be in a new relationship or to fix an old or current relationship then seeing the number 2 is a sign that heaven is helping you. It also asks you to become more caring and to perhaps show empathy. You make also need to pay attention to your emotions in the moment and to trust your intuition. Number 2 number patterns are the same as the ones above.
Creation and resolution. To see the number 3 is a sign that whatever it is that you want is coming into materialization. It asks that you have clear and precise thoughts of things that you desire. Also if you are going through a difficult decision phase, it shows than heaven is also helping you to make that decision. Off course heaven cannot make a decision for you because we all have freedom of choice but heaven can help you by supporting your decisions and by showing you where your decisions might take you. It is also good to see the number 3 with the number 1 because it shows that your decision is in line with your divine light purpose. Number 3 number patterns are the same as the ones above.
Wholeness and stability. When seeing the number 4 you are being encouraged to have discipline in your actions to obtain your goals. Number 4 reminds us to be striving with determination and it gives us a sense of empowerment. If you are seeing number 4 patterns then the angels are either acknowledging your hard work and determination or they are advising you to put more effort into the goals you are trying to achieve. Number 4 number patterns are the same as the ones above.
The number 5 speaks of a life change that you are undergoing. Heaven is with you during this life change and know that it is safe and important to change and adapt to life. The number 5 also promotes human creativity, so if you are an artist of some sort then the angels are applauding your originality and creativity, but if you are feeling stifled and stuck in life, then the angels may be asking you to spend some time being creative. Creativity works wonders for the soul and perhaps your soul wants some time to be free, so listen to some music or paint a picture, whatever it is that you like to do; the angels are asking you to do it. Creativity and change has a way of bringing in new positive energy into our lives and our space. Number 5 number patterns are the same as the ones above.
Harmony and balance. Contrary to what many believe the number 6 is the number associated with pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. It is associated with being in touch with your sixth sense, so you should pay attention to your intuition and your spirituality. Seeing 666 is actually not an omen but a reminder that you are spending too much time focusing on material things and you are ignoring your spiritual side. The number 6 wants us to focus on being balanced, so that we spend equal parts of time focused on the material world and on the spiritual world. It may sometimes denote that your material needs are coming into your life and you need to be patient and wait to receive. Number 6 number patterns are the same as the ones above.
The number 7 asks us to spend more time in mediation and in deep thought. We are asked by heaven to spend time contemplating spiritual awareness and to focus on the spiritual gifts we may be receiving. These spiritual gifts might be clairvoyance (the ability to see into the spiritual world through images and pictures), clairaudience (the ability to hear the spiritual world through words and thoughts, sometimes voices) and clairsentience (the ability to feel the spiritual world through feelings and sensations). The number 7 is a guide into the spiritual realm and it can be scary to a new comer, but trust that the angels and God is with you.
Material success and justice. Number 8 is associated with networks and holding groups and organizations together. If you are seeing number 8 patterns you are asked to pay attention to the people that you network with and the people that you interact with. These people can help you to gain material success in some way or the other. Think of who these people or this person might be and make contact. Also if you have suffered an injustice in life, then this may be a message to say that justice is coming through to you. It may be telling you that heaven has not forgotten your struggle and that it is helping you to heal and emerge the victor of the situation.
Achieving results. Number 9 is a very powerful number. It promotes truth and law and is a helping number to achieve the results that you are looking for. If you have been working hard at something, the number 9 is telling you that you achieve what you set out to do. It is telling you that heaven is backing you up and that you are on the right divine life path.

There are many other meaning to these numbers and number patterns out there on the internet. I encourage you to look for them because they may help you to truly understand what you are going through and to come to terms with whatever life change you are experiencing at this moment. I am still trying to make sense of this in my life, but I hope I have helped you to make sense of what you are experiencing.

No, you are not going crazy and no, no matter how badly you want it to be, it is not a coincidence that you see these numbers. Yes, you can use numerology to try to predict your future using the above numbers as a guideline. I also, encourage that you find out what the numbers mean to you on a personal level. This will help you to develop a more personalized future prediction.

Good luck and much love people. J

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