Monday, 10 February 2014

Spiritual Relationships: Soul mates

Hey there guys,

Since its V-day this Friday, I decided to post about spiritual relationships this week. 

So what is a spiritual relationship? Its bond between two people that have been connected through Divine intervention.

Sometimes people refer to spiritual relationships as soul-mates and/or twin souls connections, and sometimes karmic connections. These are not one and the same thing. Soul relationships have different purposes and differing connections, some have nothing to do with love at all.

When I was younger, I watched an episode of Oprah, where a woman referred to soul mates as being anyone that we come into contact with. This happens to be the absolute truth of soul mates. You see we all come from the same place, we are all connected to each other. This is the oneness that many spiritual teachers advise us to experience. In Nirvana, we are all one and the same, and we are all connected by the absolute truth. However, just like it is the absolute truth that the sun doesn't move, the Earth rotates around it, it is also the relative truth that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Therefore, it is important to understand the relative truth of soul mate connections.

Every soul comes down to this world to fulfill its own understanding, through experiencing concepts, because one cannot know certain things if one has not experienced it. For example, you cannot know kindness unless someone has been kind to you and then you show kindness upon someone. The concept is kindness and the experience is the act of kindness. Therefore, soul mates come onto Earth with us to teach us these concepts through experience. How does that work you ask? In Nirvana, your soul determines the experiences it wants to have, and then it forms agreements with other souls to teach these lessons to each other. Then when the time is right on Earth, the two or more souls come together to learn from each other.

So the catch is that not every experience is a pleasant one. Some are horrific, others are just uncomfortable, but all experiences turn our lives around and help us to grow spiritually, if we allow ourselves to learn from the experience. This can be done by not being blinded by our ego's need to feel victimized. 

So a soul mate can be anyone really, maybe even a pet. Your teacher, your ex-boyfriend, your best friend, your parents, cousins, siblings, even your worst enemy.  If someone comes into your life and gives you an experience that alters your life in a upsetting way first (to say the least in some cases) but then it shines a new light once the storm is over, then chances are that that person is your soul mate. 

Often we come across these relationships when dating. If you find yourself in a relationship with a person that abuses you... physically, mentally, emotionally or through controlling actions... You are in desperate need to learn your soul mate lesson. Relationships like these are loudly telling you that you don't have enough self value. Accepting abuse is a sign that your sense of self worth is shattered into pieces. Once you learn that you are worth more than that, you will move forward in life. It's easier said than done, but this is just an example of a type of soul mate relationship.

A relationship with your soul mate is not a very easy one. Tensions might fly high and you might get into heated arguments often. This happens because of the intensity of the connection between you two. The soul recognizes its counter part, and it is often struggling to learn its lesson and move forward. However, these relationships can work out and it can be very happy, so if you chose to have a relationship with your soul mate, then you have to understand that it takes a lot of work and that both parties have to put in the effort.

I just want to add a shout out to my soul mate Ashmika. Just yesterday we laughed at the way our relationship happened. She and I were in the same class in Grade 11, but we never really spoke or hung out. In fact she didn't like me very much and I didn't care to notice that she didn't like me. LOL. But then through circumstances we started talking and getting to know each other and 8 years later we are best friends. Not even distance can separate us. 

Maybe this Valentine's Day you can share some love for the soul mates in your life too?

PS: My friend Brad is single and in his words "ready for the mingle", so if you're interested please drop me a comment. :-D

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