A twin soul is one soul that has been split into two, these two counterparts of one soul go onto leading separate life missions. Each half goes out into the world to learn and understand its own concepts and to encounter its own soul mate connections.
This relationship is so powerful that it can cause great joy and it can also cause great misery. Which is why twin souls may not meet each other at all in this lifetime, it may take many lives before they become ready for each other. This is because twin souls have a mirror relationship, whereby they reflect of each other exactly how they perceive themselves. Just like when you look into a mirror you see all your perfections but you may also see all your flaws, so to is a relationship with your twin soul.
The happiness that is brought about by a twin soul relationship is due to there being a perfect harmony and understanding between the two individuals. This relationship only gives to each other. There is support and strength. Often twin souls have innate trust and loyalty towards each other that makes them secure enough to be themselves, free of judgement, and secure enough to lack neediness and are not clingy. However, this can only happen if both souls are whole and secure within themselves. If not, then the relationship will cause pain and suffering for both individuals. For example, if one person does not believe that they deserve to be loved, then no matter what the other does, they will always feel unloved. Or, if one person feels insecure about themselves, then their insecurities will be reflected back to them.
Therefore, before you go about asking and looking for your twin soul, it is best to really look at yourself. Determine who you are and release all your insecurities. Become whole, loving and accepting of yourself. Learn all your life lessons. Only then will you be ready for your twin soul. However, also remember that even though you might be ready for your twin soul, it does not mean that your twin is ready for you. Have patience because if you force your twin soul into something that he/she is not ready for, then it can still end miserably because you twin soul will still see the lack that they have within themselves, about themselves through. Becoming whole is often difficult, I know that I am not ready for a twin soul relationship, because even though you put in lots of hard work to overcome your shortcoming and becoming accepting, there may be one small part of you that is keeping away from being whole. You may not even recognize it because it is that small. But in front of your twin soul, it can be something huge.
I do believe that if both parties put in the effort of helping each other to become whole, then the twin soul relationship can work happily. However, I have noticed that when a twin soul relationship is not working, the relationship breaks up and each person goes on to rediscover themselves and to work through their own issues. Sometimes, twin souls leave each other completely for months and years, sometimes they stay in contact, as friends. But when they have reached the point of individual wholeness, the twin souls find each other again.
Lastly, its important to note that souls do not understand things such as race, religion or even physical traits. That means that if you are looking for a white, christian woman, with red hair and a shapely body, then you might miss you twin soul completely. You might not even recognize him/her even if they are standing right in front of you, telling you that she/he is your twin soul. The ego has a set of what it believes to be attractive. The ego has its opinion of what characteristics it wants, whether its physically or it is personality traits. The soul doesn't. Therefore, you have to see beyond what you ego wants in order to find your twin soul.
On way to attract your twin soul into your life is to become whole. The more you begin to love and accept yourself and the more secure you become, the more you bring your twin soul into your life. Becoming an energy ball of love. Your twin soul will gravitate towards the wholeness because it too wants to be whole and complete.
Another way is to ask for it from either an angel of your choice, a deity of your choice or to ask God. Before you go to sleep, ask them to help you be with your twin soul while you sleep. It may take a few nights but soon you will start dreaming about being with your twin soul. The twin soul is faceless most of the time, but if you met your twin soul already, you will see their face in your dreams.
Good luck :)
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